JUST FEEL感講《溝通點至醒?同理加邀請!》上次分享了如何透過「同理聆聽」,平靜子女的下層腦。即使我們願意聆聽,在溝通過程中忽略了以下的溝通元素,可能會導致溝通失效。 邀請家長按此觀看片段《基本溝通元素》,認識這三個影響溝通的基本元素! 感謝各位家長在過去幾星期的學習,鼓勵大家按此完成挑戰站小測,答對7題即可參加抽獎...
JUST FEEL感講How to calm the lower (emotional) half of the brain?We introduced how the brain works last week. You may review the article here. By reducing the use of the 4Ds, we can calm the lower...
JUST FEEL感講There’s also earthquakes in the brain? Did you find out more about your communication habits in the past week? This week we will learn how the brain works. It will help us...
JUST FEEL感講Have you said anything that made the communication more difficult? “I’d feel less worried if you can do revisions more proactively, like you sister!” We may think that we have shared our feelings in our...
JUST FEEL感講Spending 5 minutes a day for a better parent-child relationshipIt’s been more than a month since school started, how are you feeling? Do you have time to listen to your children? Our feelings are so...