Our "Compassionate School Programme" adopts a preventive approach and implements a whole-school participation model. We assume the roles of "supporter," "facilitator," and "consultant," working closely with partner schools to foster a Compassionate School Culture among students, teachers, and parents, bringing about systematic impact.
The programme encompasses a formal curriculum on "Social-Emotional Learning" for students, training for teachers and parents, and Compassionate Communication tools. We aim to assist students in self-care, enhance their resilience, establish closer interpersonal relationships through communication, and prevent emotional and behavioral issues.
Since its establishment in 2018, JUST FEEL has partnered with over 40 primary schools, supporting more than 37,300 students, 7,800 teachers, and 51,300 parents.
Compassionate School Programme
Programme Highlights
Tak Sun School x JUST FEEL


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Compassionate Communication was developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg in 1963, and has been practising over 60 countries. It emphasises "Connection before Solution", which facilitates communication with a 4-step model.
In 2002, UNESCO recognised Compassionate Communication as one of the best practices in conflict resolution in and out of school. By learning and practising Compassionate Communication, students can gradually develop empathy, then
establish and maintain positive relationships.
4-step model of Compassionate COmmunication
1. Observe the situation objectively without judgments.
2. State how the observation is making you feel
3. Connect the observation and feeling with a need
4. Make specific and clear request about what you need

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) defines SEL as "the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and
achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions". A systemic approach to SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships.
Parents and Schools have told us...
School Discipline Master
Mr Lee
JUST FEEL's training is very practical and easy to learn for every teacher.
School Principal
Ada Cheung
JUST FEEL's curriculum and tools can help prevent students from conflicts and violence.
Compassionate Communication is very useful in dealing with conflicts with my daughter.